Diabetes UK

Wellness Walk Cardiff 2024 for Eddie

Harrison and Kirsty Sheen

Harrison and Kirsty Sheen

My Story

Our son Eddie was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at Christmas time in 2021. He was 3 and a half years old and it came to a great shock to us as no one in our families have diabetes.

We are very fortunate as not all children in the UK have access to an Insulin pump but Eddie does, which means that he doesn’t need to have multiple injections every day. He does however still experience hypoglycaemic episodes in which we and his other carers need to treat him straight away otherwise it can be dangerous. We also need to count all of the carbohydrates in his foods and give him the right amount of insulin to match it. Eddie wears a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) in his leg which helps us monitor is blood sugars and look after him properly. Technology is getting better however research is needed to still improve these and hopefully one day find a cure.

Please, if you have a few spare pennies, sponsor Harrison, Eddie’s brother to raise money for Diabetes UK and ‘do the walk for Eddie’ (his own words). 

If you live near to Cardiff, it would be lovely to see friends and family on the day to cheer us on.

Kirsty Sheen (Mum Sheen)



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

Our son Eddie was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at Christmas time in 2021. He was 3 and a half years old and it came to a great shock to us as no one in our families have diabetes.

We are very fortunate as not all children in the UK have access to an Insulin pump but Eddie does, which means that he doesn’t need to have multiple injections every day. He does however still experience hypoglycaemic episodes in which we and his other carers need to treat him straight away otherwise it can be dangerous. We also need to count all of the carbohydrates in his foods and give him the right amount of insulin to match it. Eddie wears a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) in his leg which helps us monitor is blood sugars and look after him properly. Technology is getting better however research is needed to still improve these and hopefully one day find a cure.

Please, if you have a few spare pennies, sponsor Harrison, Eddie’s brother to raise money for Diabetes UK and ‘do the walk for Eddie’ (his own words). 

If you live near to Cardiff, it would be lovely to see friends and family on the day to cheer us on.

Kirsty Sheen (Mum Sheen)

Harrison and Kirsty Sheen is fundraising towards